Lifestyle Design Quiz

OK, Let’s get to know you!

Which 3 words best describe you?

Caring, Soft-hearted, Kind

Initiator, Open-minded, Creative

Hopeful, Happy, Buoyant

Big Thinker, Clear-minded, Visionary

No-fuss, Practical, Determined

If you had to use ONE of these icons to design a brand that reflected the best aspects of your personality which one/s would you choose?

Love Heart

Light Bulb



Helping Hand

Let’s look at how you do your best work

Which TWO of the following activities are you most comfortable with?

Caring for other people

Designing a new product or event

Sharing a joyful story with others

Seeing the big picture for a project

Working steadily to get the job done

Choose TWO of the following feelings that drives you to take action?

Feeling the needs of others

Feeling inspired and free to explore creative solutions

Feeling positive hopeful and happy

Feeling clear and concise about which direction to take

Feeling is over-rated. I just get the job done.

Choose TWO of the following that give you clarity of purpose.

Seeing the needs of others

Brainstorming new ideas

Engaging in positive conversations

I usually just have a clear idea of my direction most of the time

Just getting started

Which TWO of the following makes you happy?

Helping other people

Seeing new ideas put in place

Who needs a reason? Life is good!

Having a clear vision of the future

Getting the job done

Which TWO of the following inspires your creativity?

When I see how I can make a difference for other people

Discussing new and novel ideas and possibilities

Focusing on the positives in life

I prefer not to think of lots of new ideas - it distracts me from my core purpose

When I complete the task at hand

What stirs your compassionate side?

Many things - and often. It’s a part of who I am

When I am thinking of inventive ways to help people

When I see the positive things others have done

When I have a clear vision of the plan to help and how it will make a difference

I may not feel it at first, but as I get involved helping people, this helps me to be more compassionate

What matters most to you right now? Arrange the 5 lifestyle domain tiles in order of most to least important for you right now.

  • 1. Getting my home and finances in order

  • 2. A deeper connection with people I care about

  • 3. A breakthrough in your work or business or social enterprise.

  • 4. Getting active and outdoors

  • 5. Getting unstuck. A shift in mindset and personal growth

So, the focus is outside? Time in nature, or getting in shape is going to make you feel like you’re alive! It’s the most important thing for you right now?

Yes, that’s right

No, there are other things that need to happen first.

So, improving relationship dynamics with your partner and/or children would change the energy in your life most right now?

Yes, that’s right

No, there are other things that need to happen first.

So you’re focussed on your work, business, or social enterprise and how you can improve it? Vision, productivity and results are what matter most?

Yes, that’s right

No, there are other things that need to happen first.

So, the practical matters - right? House. Garden. Budget. Getting on top of these would give you significant peace of mind?

Yes, that’s right

No, there are other things that need to happen first.

You recognise that you need to get your inside world right first. Life has challenges but you know that mindset and personal growth is the key to overcoming?

Yes, that’s right

No, there are other things that need to happen first.

OK, so would you say you are more focused on:

Improving your relationships?

Getting your work, business or social enterprise on track?

Practical matters – like the house, garden and finances?

Internal work – mindset and personal growth

Actually no, health, fitness, and finding fun and adventure is where it’s at for me right now

OK, so would you say you are more focused on:

Fitness & Fun? Health & Adventures?

Getting your work, business or social enterprise on track?

Practical matters – like the house, garden and finances?

Internal work – mindset and personal growth

Actually no, improving the relationships with the people I care about would make a huge difference.

OK, so would you say you are more focused on:

Fitness & Fun? Health & Adventures?

Improving your relationships?

Practical matters – like the house, garden and finances?

Internal work – mindset and personal growth

Actually no, I need to get my work and business world working better

OK, so would you say you are more focused on:

Fitness & Fun? Health & Adventures?

Improving your relationships?

Getting your work, business or social enterprise on track?

Internal work – mindset and personal growth

Actually no, getting on top of the house, garden and finances would make a huge difference for me

OK, so would you say you are more focused on:

Fitness & Fun? Health & Adventures?

Improving your relationships?

Getting your work, business or social enterprise on track?

Practical matters – like the house, garden and finances?

Actually no, mindset and personal growth would make a huge difference for me

OK cool. Healthy joy is what matters most. Would you say that you are more focused on:

Enjoying life by getting fitter and healthier.

Enjoying life by experiencing more fun and adventure.

OK cool. Connection is what matters most. Would you say that you are more focused on:

Finding a deeper romantic connection with your partner.

Building closer relationships with your children.

OK cool. Satisfaction in your work is what matters most. Would you say that you are more focused on:

Starting a new enterprise or taking a new direction in your career.

Consolidating and breaking through to the next level in your work or business.

OK cool. Efficient streamlined living spaces and finances is what matters most. Would you say that you are more focused on:

The living spaces. Enjoying your home and garden.

The financial situation that under girds it all.

OK cool. Your inner world is what matters most. Would you say that you are more focused on:

Inner healing from the past. Overcoming attitudes and beliefs that are holding you back?

Getting clarity for the future. Learning and growing. Embracing a positive, abundant perspective.

Andrew and his team have a proven track record helping people enjoy happier, richer and more rewarding lives.

On a scale of 1 – 10,
(with 10 being, “I know smart people get help – I’d totally be up for the fast-track!”
And a 1 being, “Nah, I’ve got this on my own!”)
– what is your ‘coaching-readiness score’?











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